Tokyo Disneyland Review: Journey Through Disney’s Magical Tales in Japan


Tokyo Disneyland is one of the top theme parks Thai people really love or would love to visit. The reasons are that the park is closer to Thailand than the original one in California, as well as its situated in a dream country many Thais wish to pay a visit once in their lives, and many of those who already been there have somehow become addicted to this Land of the Rising Sun that they have to go back again and again. 

This blog is my review of Tokyo Disneyland according to my recent visit to the park, which I will only talk about the rides that I went on. Within a limited time, my priority was not to go on as many rides as possible, but rather to enjoy my time there without having to rush too much, and go on the rides that I personally want to experience. 


Tokyo Disneyland Review

1. Know Before You Go
2. Zone & Attraction Reviews
         1.1 World Bazaar
         1.2 Fantasyland
         1.3 Toontown
         1.4 Adventureland
         1.5 Westernland
         1.6 Critter Country
         1.7 Tomorrowland  
3. Food Reviews
4. Must-Dos       
5. Tour Packages



Things to Know before Going Tokyo Disneyland

Who is Tokyo Disneyland for?

I think that anyone would enjoy Tokyo Disneyland, except for those who seek super extreme rides, as there is none at the park. There are many dark rides that children would surely love. The roller coasters’ levels of intensity are those that are not too much for children, but still pleasurable for adults.


Tokyo Disneyland Entrance Tickets

You need to buy tickets in advance as they are currently unavailable at the park’s ticket booths. Tokyo Disneyland will be open for booking 4 months before the date you wish to visit the park, and you will have time to book until 20:59 hrs. on the night before your planned date. 

Personally I bought my tickets around 2 - 3 weeks before the day of my visit. The tickets do not run out that quickly, so even if you don’t book them months in advance there is still a good chance that you will successfully secure your tickets. However, Japanese public holidays are the exceptions, they might be sold out faster than usual.



At what time should I arrive at the park?

The park opens at 9:00 hrs. You should arrive there 30 mins - 1 hr. before opening to get in the line, so as to get into the park quickly. Some people even arrive there to queue as early as 7:00 hrs.

I personally arrived at the park around 9:30 hrs. I could enter the park straight away without having to queue at all, but that also means that all the people queuing before the park opened had already entered and started to queue for the rides. Nevertheless, that was fine with me, as I still managed to experience all the attractions in my plan. 



Tokyo Disneyland has canceled FastPass tickets, and introduced to us Priority Pass tickets, which work pretty much the same as the prior. They are basically free fast passes. How they work is that you secure a Priority Pass for a selected ride on Tokyo Disney Resort application, and go to the ride at the time displayed on your ticket, where you will be put in a special line. You can secure 1 ticket every 2 hrs. and the ticket is to be used 1 time.

As Priority Pass tickets aren’t available for some popular attractions, there is another type of Tokyo Disneyland’ fast passes called Disney Premier Access, which is a paid option, costing around 350 - 600 THB per ticket. Right after you purchase a ticket, you are able to access the special line of your selected attraction, which can result in reducing your waiting time from 2 hrs. to 15 - 30 mins.




Zone and Attraction Reviews


Let’s start with a score table according to my personal opinion. 




And here begins my detailed reviews of Tokyo Disneyland's 7 zones and the attractions I have experienced.


Zone 1: World Bazaar 


World Bazaar is the first zone you will experience right after you enter the park, as everyone has to walk through this zone in order to get to any other zone. It is the equivalent of Main Street in Disneyland Park, which is where most gift shops are located. Other than that, there is also Penny’s Arcade, an arcade filled with vintage style games. I managed to grab a prize from a mini claw machine and was very happy about it.



Zone 2: Fantasyland

The land of lore and fairy tales that I think of as the heart of Tokyo Disneyland. Here stands the elegant castle of our beloved Princess Cinderella—the pastel palace which marks the park. The zone is where attractions based off of Disney’s princess and fairytale films such as Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, or Peter Pan are situated.


The rides I went on in Fantasyland are


Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast 



This attraction inspired by Disney’s Beauty and the Beast animation is the latest ride of Tokyo Disneyland, and is the ONE and ONLY in the world. The fact that you cannot find a ride like this anywhere else makes it naturally a must-try. 

Standing in line on the bridge that leads to the forbidden, aristocratic castle belonging to The Beast, you will get the vibe of this tale from the moment you decide to queue for the ride. When you finally reach the castle hall, you will be told the story of how a charming prince has turned into a beast, and will get a glimpse of Belle’s and The Beast’s animatronics for the first time. 



After the storytelling, you will have to get in the line again—this time for the actual ride. As you move along with the queue, you will get to see fan’s favorite characters like Lumiere and Clocksworth who look as if they were really alive.

Now is the time! A giant-teacup-like vehicle will pick you up and take you through the lore of Beauty and the Beast, starting from when Belle agreed to stay at the castle until the happy end of the story. During the ride, songs from the movie in Japanese version will be played according to each scene you travel through, creating an enormous emotional impact.



Since the ride has just launched in 2020, it probably came with the most advanced technology out of all the rides in Tokyo Disneyland. I consequently find the experience of this ride very smooth and realistic, and the sets and scene properties are also very gorgeous. The scene I personally most impressed with is where The Beast turned back into a prince, as it makes me feel like it was really a work of magic rather than machines. 

However, those who are not a fan of spinning teacups like me might feel slightly woozy on the ride as the teacup vehicle will spin quite a lot. Nevertheless, it is not too much to handle; The joy completely outweighs the dizziness. 

Snow White’s Adventure



Though this ride got its inspiration from a princess movie like Snow White, the mood of it is not so bubbly. We will move very slowly through a dark sinister forest. Each vehicle will maintain a space that perfectly makes you feel as if you were the only ones in the deep woods, like how snow white faced the forest alone. We will travel through the story in Snow White’s shoes from when she was banished from the castle. 

There is, however, a bright little moment when Snow White reaches the Seven Dwarfs’ cottage where you will see them singing cheerfully, but other than that brief moment, the overall mood of the ride is quite eerie; little kids might find it scary. Nevertheless, it is definitely a ride worth going on. 

Peter Pan’s Flight



This attraction is one of my favorites in Fantasyland. On the ride, our journey starts in Wendy’s bedroom; we will fly out of one of her room’s windows and head to Neverland like how she and her brothers did it when they followed Peter Pan. 

The vehicle that will take us through this magical tale does not run on a track on the ground, instead, it hangs from the ceiling—a flying pirate ship! We will get to feel as if we were flying in the sky above London at night. 

What I am most impressed with regarding this ride is the beautiful scene properties that makes me feel as if I was really in the story. It is a cute, gorgeous ride I really want you to try.



Haunted Mansion



My favorite haunted house ever! However, this is an opinion of a person whose haunted house rides are not really her cup of tea; Terror is not really what you will get out of this ride. As this is a Disney’s theme park we are talking about, this haunted house is rather a pleasurable ride which showcases the vibrancy of this spooky mansion. I would say it is kid-friendly. There are also almost no jump scares at all, for those who are wondering.

There are several versions of the haunted mansion’s storyline that Disney theme park enthusiasts have put pieces together themselves, but only from what Ghost Host, the ghost’s voice that is our tour guide, told us, the main plot is basically that there are 999 ghosts in this mansion. They are waiting for one of us, the attraction’s guests, to become the 1000th ghost. From the moment we have stepped into the horse, we are cursed, a ghost from this house will follow us home, until we come back to this mansion to join them in the afterlife. 



I found myself enchanted by this mansion, I totally love the designs and the vibe this attraction gives off. One of the things I love the most about it is that there are also almost no jump scares at all. Instead, we will get to see a crowd of ghosts throwing a party in the mansion’s ballroom, or groups of ghosts hanging out or singing together in the graveyard. I was mesmerized by how lively his house full of ghosts could be.

It’s a Small World



This ride is a must-try for those who have never been to any Disney’s parks, since it is one of the classics. As you sail along the route of this ride, you will get to see little animatronic dolls dressed in traditional clothes from different cultures matching with the sets representing different areas around the world. The dolls will be dancing along to the attraction’s theme song It’s a Small World, which conveys the message that we are all friends in this small world of ours. 

One of the funs of this ride is to spot Disney characters who have blended in with other dolls in their birth country’s set, such as Merida from Brave in the Scotland set, Rapunzel in the Germany set, and Lilo and Stitch in the Hawaii set. 

However, there are people who find the dolls quite spine-chilling, as the attraction has several scary legends spread among Disney park enthusiasts. For me, It’s a Small World is a nice chill ride for those who need a break from the extreme ones. 

Zone 3: Toontown



Toontown is a simulation of the town that is home to characters in the Mickey Mouse & Friends universe, which are Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald and Daisy Duck, Goofy, and Pluto.

The zone is probably small children’s favorite, as the park did a great job in making it look like a town straight out of the cartoon. You can meet and greet the adorable characters right in their own houses. There are also not-too-thrilling rides for children such as a small mini roller coaster.



I personally did not visit this zone, since there are no rides in this zone that I personally want to go on. However, if you are taking your child to Tokyo Disneyland, I think Toontown will win their heart.

Zone 4: Adventureland

Adventureland is a zone Walt Disney intended to remind you of exotic, faraway lands (from America, of course), such as tropical islands, South America, or Africa.

The only ride I went on in the zone was


Pirates of the Caribbean


This is the ride that the well-known Pirate of the Caribbean sequels were made based off of. In this ride, you will follow Captain Jack Sparrow, who is seeking the treasure buried in Louisiana bayou, through the journey.    

You will sail past many exquisite sets, such as a cavern filled with shiny colorful jewels, and a village where Jack Sparrow's ship is fighting with a Spain ship. It is another ride I was charmed by its aesthetic aspect. 

This ride features only a small drop near the beginning of the ride. It is perfect for those who want just a tiny little thrill and to enjoy beautiful sceneries. 



Zone 5: Westernland

Tokyo Disneyland is the only park in the world with Westernland. Nevertheless, to say that this zone is unique to the park is not entirely correct, as the zone is a clone of Disneyland’s Frontierland, which is a simulation of the Wild West and the California gold rush period.

Rides I went on in Westernland are


Big Thunder Mountain



Here comes the first roller coaster in this review! This ride is definitely one of Tokyo Disneyland’s landmarks. Though its name might sound intimidating, it is actually a fun, not-too-scary roller coaster. The drops are mostly turning drops with only a few not-so-steep straight drops. I saw some brave little children excitedly queuing for the ride as well when I was there. I personally enjoyed the ride, but if you are an extreme thrill junky, it might fail to impress you.



The ride’s storyline goes that during America's gold rush period, huge chunks of gold were discovered in this very mountain. Consequently, a white people’s mining company stepped in to mine the area, and their business then became super prosperous. 

However, the mountain was in fact a sacred place to the native people. Despite having the knowledge in mind, the mining company had occupied the mountain not caring about anything but their profits. One day, as if Mother Nature wanted to punish the greedies, the mountain was hit by a great natural disaster, resulting in the mine being so heavily damaged that they could not continue their business anymore. Today, the mine has now become abandoned, but the mining trains are still running on their own without anyone operating it, and we will be riding on one of those haunted trains on our venture into the mountain.



Zone 6: Critter Country

Westernland and Critter Country could be considered a double package, as they both set in the 19th century of America. In addition, Critter Country in Disneyland California actually used to be a part of Frontierland. The difference between these two zones is that the Westernland focuses on humans’ territory, whereas Critter Country focuses on animals'.


The ride I went on in Westernland was


Splash Mountain



I personally find this log flume ride the most intense one out of all the rides in Tokyo Disneyland. 

Splash Mountain was built based off of Disney’s Song of the South, a live action film that came out in 1946. The ride’s storyline does not follow the main plot, but a folktale told in the mentioned film about Brer Rabbit who leaves his habitat to find The Laughing Place—supposedly a place of happiness ever after.  

However, on his venture, he is captured by Brer Fox and Brer Bear, the antagonists of the story who want to prey on the protagonist, but Brer Rabbit manages to escape by tricking the two into throwing him down to a briar patch, which is actually his original habitat. The rabbit eventually returns to his home and is warmly welcomed by other creatures who live in the area; He no longer desires The Laughing Place.



We—the guests of the attraction, get to follow the Brer Rabbit through his journey of finding The Laughing Place. Our anticipated big drop near the end is the point of view of Brer Rabbit when he is thrown to the briar patch. It was the most thrilling drop in Tokyo Disneyland for me. Warning: you will get wet! Beside the big drop, the ride features other two small drops as warmups, but most of the time we will just sit back and relax in our log, and watch the adorable animatronic animals singing and acting out along the side of the waterway. 

Zone 7: Tomorrowland

We have come to the last zone already, and it is none other than many people’s beloved Tomorrowland! This zone is unsurprisingly about advanced technologies, the future, and outer space.

Tomorrowland was actually the zone that Disneyland Park most struggled to maintain its magic and freshness during the early years. Since the world was constantly going forward, without frequent redesigning, this land of tomorrow could become a thing of the past at any day. 



Disneyland Park finally gave up on the concept of a realistic future and decided to embrace a retro futuristic theme instead. The change has successfully helped Tomorrowland acquire a nostalgic charm and maintain its core message which is hopefulness for the future. 

As for Tokyo Disneyland’s Tomorrowland, according to the park’s plan, the zone will be closed for a redesign this year (the date is yet to be announced) and open again in 2027. This time, the new Tomorrowland’s concept, aligning with the core message, is to showcase how humans and technology can coexist harmoniously with nature. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it will turn out. 


The ride I went on in this zone was


Space Mountain



Space Mountain is the only attraction in Tokyo Disneyland where you can get on an indoor roller coaster ride in the dark. There is almost always a long line of people waiting to experience its thrill. 

The drops in this ride are not steep nor intense, but the ride features many vigorous turns that made me hold tight to the lap bar in fear of being thrown out, though I completely trusted the park’s safety. 

As for the light showcases within the ride, I think they did a great job at conveying an avant-garde feeling. However, they weren’t really my type, and didn’t really make me feel like I was in space. In addition, people who are a little bit scared of small spaces like me may feel a little bit cramped while riding this ride. 

Though I personally did not enjoy Space Mountain that much and might choose not to get on this ride again if I am to go back there in the future, the ride is many people’s favorites. Thus, I still recommend you to try it out if you ever have a chance to visit Tokyo Disneyland.



Food Reviews

In this part, I’m going to give reviews of some of the food I have tried in Tokyo Disneyland.


1. Popcorn



What makes Tokyo Disneyland’s popcorn special is its fancy flavors. The flavor of popcorn is different in each zone. The ones I had were soy-sauce flavored and caramel flavored, and cheese flavored. I personally really liked the soy-sauce one as it tasted really good and gave off a supreme Japanese vibe. Other popcorn flavors you can find in the park are curry, honey, milk chocolate, and many more.



2. Churros



Similar to popcorn, churros are an easy snack you can find almost wherever in the park. There are not as many flavors of churros as popcorn, but there are a few fun flavors. The one I had is the original cinnamon flavor, but if you go to La Tavern de Gaston, the restaurant beside the Beauty and the Beast ride, you will find caramel-apple flavored churros there. Moreover, there are seasonal flavors as well: chocolate during Christmas, and pumpkin during Halloween. 

3. Alien Mochis



The Little Green Men mochis are a MUST-TRY when it comes to visiting Tokyo Disneyland. With their cute appearances and delicious flavors, the mochis are many people’s favorite treat in the park. They come in a set of three flavors: strawberry, chocolate, and custard cream. All of the three flavors were delicious, but my favorite was the strawberry one; The soft green mochi dough stuffed with refreshing strawberry flavored cream was literally chef's kiss. 

4. Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall 




Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall is a restaurant in Fantasyland that is decorated based off of Queen of Hearts’s castle from Alice in Wonderland. I find the designs of this place really gorgeous both on the inside and on the outside. I actually didn’t plan to stop at this restaurant, but happened to be standing near this restaurant when I needed shelter from the rain. 

The food here was satisfying, both aesthetic-wise and taste-wise. The dish I had was Flank Steak with Japanese Sauce. The steak was tender and juicy, and the sauce and side dishes were tasteful. Aside from the main dish, I also ordered a custard pudding. It tasted okay, but what I liked about this dessert is that it came in a cute mug which you can take home after finishing the pudding. 


Must-Dos When Visiting Tokyo Disneyland

They are not actually “must-dos”, but rather traditions that people follow when they go to Tokyo Disneyland. 


1. Buy Headbands



Buying a minnie mouse ear headband, or whatever Disney character headband or hat, and wearing it in the park is one of the traditions for visitors of any Disney’s theme park. If you want an instagrammable shot at Tokyo Disneyland, a headband is definitely a must.



2. Take Photos with the Cinderella Castle



Cinderella castle is no doubt the landmark of Tokyo Disneyland. The spots people love to go take photos with the castle are the yard in front of the castle, and the bridge beside the castle.



3. See the Parades



Tokyo Disneyland’s parades are known for its sightliness, cuteness, and grandness. In the parades, you will see numerous Disney characters acting out, dancing, or singing on beautifully designed floats. There are two parades a day in Tokyo Disneyland, one at around 14:00 hrs., and the other around 18:30 - 19:30 hrs. 

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see both the night parade and the firework show, as they were canceled on the day I visited the park due to bad weather. Instead, I got to see a smaller parade consisting of around 3 - 4 floats. They were beautiful, but it would be nice if I had gotten to see the full-sized show. 

As for those who aren’t fans of parades, the evening parade time is your time to run for popular attractions! The ones that you haven’t got to experience yet. Famous attraction’s queues will be shorter during this time since many people have gone to see the parade.



4. Buy souvenirs from Tokyo Disneyland’s gift shops 

I personally really love Tokyo Disneyland’s cookie boxes. The reasons are that the boxes are so adorable, and the butter cookies taste next level. Other snacks such as Japanese rice crackers are great as well. Japan, who has always been known for clever, creative, and delicate packaging, together with Disney, is truly unstoppable. 




Tokyo Tour Packages


Avoid the fuss of having to arrange your own travel itinerary, join one of our tours instead! 



1. 5D3N Tokyo + Yamanashi: Fuji View + Lavender Field + Onsen + Tokyo Disneyland (optional)


2. 5D3N Tokyo + Yamanashi: Mt.Kachi Kachi Ropeway + Tokyo Disneyland (optional)


3. 6D4N Tokyo + Yamanashi: Fuji View + Chureito Pagoda + Tokyo Disneyland (optional)


4. 6D4N Tokyo + Nagano: Kamikochi + Lavender Field + Tokyo Disneyland (optional) 


5. 6D4N Tokyo + Nagano: Kamikocji + Fuji View + Pink Moss Festival + Tokyo Disneyland (optional)

Here, we have already come to the end of my review of Tokyo Disneyland. I hope this review is informative and useful for you one way or another. At the end of the day, this is just my biased opinion on different aspects of the park, so don’t take it too seriously! I wish you all a lot of fun at Tokyo Disneyland! 



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